Post independence development in nigeria pdf

While dealing with the historiography of postindependence african economy. Therefore, the analysis of various development plans in nigeria since independence becomes necessary. The year 1960 is conventionally used as the stylised date of independence, for the good reason that it. African governance systems in the pre and postindependence. We are going to focus specially on those days between 1900 and 1960. The early years of television in nigeria television development in nigeria has been motivated by two factors. Islam reached nigeria through the borno empire between 1068 ad and hausa states around 85 ad during the 11th century, while. Consequently, all the postindependence national development plans had employment generation and promotion of gainful employment among their cardinal objectives. Only in this way can the social, political, economic, and cultural factors that influenced the development and. Olomola director, surveillance and forecasting department nigerian institute of social and economic research niser, ibadan. The military is a vital institution in the modern state system as the major factor that determines the capability and capacity of the states national power to make policies within the domestic and the international circles for the overall nation. Educational reconstruction and postcolonial curriculum.

Explaining africas postindependence development experiences. History of education in nigeria development since 1960 till. New policies were formulated in the postindependence era to actualize more equitable growth in agriculture. This paper assesses the accomplishments, challenges and prospects of the various employment promotion schemes as outlined in the various development plans in nigeria.

The african ejournals project has digitized full text of. May 09, 2011 there is no doubt that the constitutional development process in nigeria from pre independence to the post of era is very interesting. The quest for nigeria to be an industrialized economy with high sustainable growth rates has been the. History of agriculture in nigeria agriculture nigeria. The nok achieved a level of material development not repeated in the region for. National interest and national development the term national interest is characterized with inconsistency. National interest and national development in nigeria.

The history of nigeria can be traced to prehistoric settlers nigerians living in the area as early. Nigeria finally became an independent nation on october 1 st, 1960. The coverage is confined to subsaharan africa ssa, excluding south africa. Hence the paper empirically addresses issues linking. As at that time, nigeria was still following the british system of government in which there is a prime minister and a ceremonial president. There is a widened western educational gap between the north and south of nigeria with the predominantly muslim areas of the north lagging behind due to some historical antecedents. Industrial development and growth in nigeria brookings institution. Democracy in postindependence nigeria any society that survives on the rule of men rather than the rule of law falls victim and becomes captive to caprice and arbitrariness. Part 1 below examines the evidence on this and the remainder of the paper is taken up with examining explanations of this record. Pdf most subsaharan african leaders seem to misunderstand the development concepts or ideas by embracing the african socialist system as a path of.

It is a deterioration of such situation that finally replaces the will of the people with the will of one man, the dictator, who then proceeds to personalize the state. Ugwu chukwuka department of public administration, university of nigeria, nsukka abstract military rule became dominant feature of government in nigeria only after political independence, especially from january 15th 1966. The economics of pre and postindependence african economy. Democracy in postindependence nigeria western africa. Britain eventually gained control of nigerian administration. Development of nigerias agricultural subsector will be imperative if meaningful and sustainable national development is envisaged. The history of nigeria can be traced to prehistoric settlers nigerians living in the area as early as 1100 bc.

Challenges and prospects of nigerias development at 50 carleton. Its focus is on the political economy of the development of the nigerian society from the colonial to the post colonial eras. The prederegulation era is the period from which nigeria gained broadcast independence from colonial ownership 1939 1992, while the postderegulation era examines broadcast challenges following the privatization of the industry in 1992 till date. With a multidisciplinary outlook, the journal will stimulate service delivery and performance challenges being faced in government. Rural development practice in nigeria has spanned over 10 decades from pre independence to the current decade. The pre independence constitutions were largely to promote the economic interest of britain. The political economy of development in nigeria iosr journal. Jan 14, 2016 consequently, all the post independence national development plans had employment generation and promotion of gainful employment among their cardinal objectives. Department of marketing, university of calabar, calabar, nigeria. The attempt is to study educational provision and development in nigeria in.

Social development in zimbabwe discussion paper prepared for the development foundation for zimbabwe by dr tendai murisa december 2010 dr tendai murisa is a zimbabwean with extensive experience working on various projects aimed at improving pro land and agrarian policies in africa. Pdf assessing the contribution of the military regimes. The contribution of african women to economic growth and. Under the constitution, each of the three regions retained a substantial measure of selfgovernment. Pdf post independence nigeria and industrialisation. It argues that the colonial state contrived an incongruous, entity called nigeria and in particular, a derisive developmentalism.

Educational policy in nigeria from the colonial era to the. Upon obtaining independence from colonial rule in the late. Enduring lessons and opportunities for youth in africa a discussion paper prepared by professor amadu sesay, centre for peace and strategic studies, university of ilorin, nigeria for the mandela institute for development studies, johannesburg, south africa july 11 2014. The development plan was nothing but a false one aimed at proliferation of the national for the benefit of the colonial masters. Prospect and challenges of corporate governance development. Numerous ancient african civilizations settled in the region that is today nigeria, such as the kingdom of nri, the benin empire, and the oyo empire. Constitution helps those in government to do their work and it also helps the citizens to know their duties. The first national development plan was an infant child of nigerias postindependence development strategies. History of education in nigeria development since 1960.

Agricultural development intervention programmes in. It is widely believed that, by comparison with other developing regions, africas post independence development record has been one of failure. The mass media and the struggle for democracy in africa. The paper examines the interplay of governance, corruption and development as the greatest undoing of the nigerian state. Poor governance and corruption have immensely hindered sustainable development and can be fairly described as being mostly. After the british government assumed direct control of the royal niger companys territories, the northern areas were renamed the protectorate of northern nigeria, and the land in the niger delta and along the lower reaches of the river was added to the niger coast protectorate, which was renamed the protectorate of southern nigeria. The earlier surplus extraction policies were quickly translated into the pursuit of an exportled growth. In this writeup, you will have the opportunity to learn about what actually transpired in nigeria during the colonial days. In a situation such as this, national interest does have a negative contribution to national development. A constitution is a collection of rules and regulation that govern or guide the actions of a country. Historical development of the nigerian constitution. The two are inextricably linked since education is always a vote catcher, and all governments are, to a degree, genuinely altruistic visavis education. A new constitution established a federal system with an elected prime minister and a ceremonial head of state. The first postindependence national government was formed by a conservative alliance of the ncnc and the npc.

Post independence history of nigeria kingdoms of nigeria. African governance systems in the pre and postindependence periods. Nigeria s planning experience began with the tenyear plan of development and welfare for nigeria which was introduced in 1946 by the colonial. No nigerian could be correctly called a father of nigeria. The nature, scope and processes of traditional education in nigeria the islamic system of education in the advent of western education in the development of education in nigeria 1919 and beyond introduction having gone through the last unit, you will realise that up to 1914, western education system in nigeria had no definite philosophy. Independence from british rule came to pass in nigeria on the 1 st of october, 1960. Many saw nigeria, with 15% of africas population, as an emerging economy. These have sometimes been military coups or civilian takeovers. Economic development dynamics in nigeria scholars middle east. Nigerians, born before 1960, the year of political independence, who took over leadership of the postindependence nigeria, did not know how to build a nation.

The main objective of this policy was to lessen dependence. Various development plan periods have been examined in relation to rural development practice. In 1862, lagos and other british territories in the gold coast, sierra leone and gambia were by a commission dated 19 february 1866, placed under a governor general based in. It is widely believed that, by comparison with other developing regions, africas postindependence development record has been one of failure.

The cost of tertiary education is constantly on the increase and the educational system is in need of improvement and innovation to move it forward from. The postindependence years have been punctuated with changes of government all over the continent. The promise, gains and discontents of post colonial development discussion paper number 1 50 years of post independence development in nigeria. Southern cameroon however opted out of nigeria via a referendum. Post independence history of nigeria nigeria was granted full independence in october 1960, as a federation of three regions northern, western, and eastern under a constitution that provided for a parliamentary form of government. Pdf prospect and challenges of corporate governance. There is no doubt that the constitutional development process in nigeria from preindependence to the post of era is very interesting.

Fifty years of postindependence development in nigeria. Available records on the history of the political development of nigeria since independence have shown that the reins of government has always fallen into the hands of a political leadership class that showed more interest in private, group or ethnic gains than in the general wellbeing of the nigerian state. More specifically, we present an overview of the indigenous, quranic and the westerntype education before and after independence. Educational policy and curriculum development is then examined in kenya, mali, mozambique and nigeria to analyse the extent of decolonisation and reintegration of traditional african educational values and social organisation in school programs after independence. Political leadership and corruption in nigeria since 1960. In its entirety, a constitution is a set of organizing principles, laws or rules by which a state, country, group or region is governed. Similarly, miko and kamardin 2016 study the development visavis the challenges of corporate governance in the pre and post 1960 independence of the nigeria. We acknowledge the need to investigate causes and implications of development crisis in post independence nigeria beyond singular focus on corruption. Nigeria was granted independence on october 1, 1960. There is a widened western educational gap between the north and south of nigeria with the predominantly muslim areas of the north lagging behind due to some.

This working paper assesses africas postindependence development record. For about a century, the british colonial masters took full control of the political, economic and even the social life of the people called nigerians today. History of nigerian constitutional development 1914 1960. This was the year nigeria assumed both political and military control of its territory. Pdf governance, corruption and crisis of development in. Nigeria entered the longest period of civilian rule since independence. Post independence nigeria and industrialisation strategies. Mar 09, 2020 the constitutional development in nigeria from 1914 till date can be divided into two generation. The prederegulation era is the period from which nigeria gained broadcast independence from colonial ownership 1939 1992, while the post deregulation era examines broadcast challenges following the privatization of the industry in 1992 till date. In fact, the directorates political education manual states. This paper traces the impact of colonialism on the development of marketing in nigeria. Following world war ii, in response to the growth of nigerian nationalism and demands for independence. Since independence the education system in nigeria has expanded beyond recognition. This paper documents nigerias economic development experience over.

The economics of pre and postindependence african economy and the possibilities of mainstreaming meless developmental state ideologies samuel kidane is a lecturer of history in aksum university. New policies were formulated in the post independence era to actualize more equitable growth in agriculture. Constitutional development in nigeria from 1914 till date. Apr 19, 2016 a characterization of nigerias development trajectory at various subperiods from 1960 to 2010 is made including a comparison of some economic, social and other relevant development indicators among the 17 african countries that gained independence in 1960 as well as other comparator countries. Pdf post independence nigeria and industrialisation strategies. The promise, gains and discontents of postcolonial development discussion paper number 1 50 years of postindependence development in nigeria. Post independence brought about the major development of education in nigeria, with an increase in the number of primary, secondary schools, teachers college and polytechnics and universities.

It has had multiparty democracy, civil war and rule by the military, a return to. Parallel with this stagnation in living standards has been an at best halting progress with. After independence, the nigerian economy seemed very promising. Nigerias planning experience began with the tenyear plan of development and welfare for nigeria which was introduced in 1946 by the colonial. The promise, gains and discontents of post colonial development discussion paper number 1 50 years of postindependence development in nigeria. The paper argues that nigeria for the most part of her post independence existence had been under military rule. Nigeria experienced a troubled political history since its independence in 1960.

Jun 02, 2017 the first national development plan was an infant child of nigeria s post independence development strategies. Pdf assessing the contribution of the military regimes to. We acknowledge the need to investigate causes and implications of development crisis in postindependence nigeria beyond singular focus on corruption. Pdf the quest for nigeria to be an industrialized economy with high sustainable growth rates has been the preoccupation of every administration that. Despite substantial adjustments during the past decades, nigerias industrial policy adopted since independence in 1960 was dominated by the goals and instruments of the 1970s. And of course, this country has quite a history behind it. Overview of politics in the postcolonial era african politics in the postcolonial era has been marred by authoritarianism, corruption, military intervention, and leadership failures amidst a broader socioeconomic crisis characterized by poverty. The ncnc, now headed by azikiwe who had taken control after macaulays death in 1946, formed a coalition with balewas npc after neither party won a majority in the 1959 elections. This working paper assesses africas post independence development record.

The preindependence constitutions were largely to promote the economic interest of britain. Agricultural development intervention programmes in nigeria 1960 to date. As at independence, the queen of england was still the head of state of nigeria. Overview of politics in the post colonial era african politics in the post colonial era has been marred by authoritarianism, corruption, military intervention, and leadership failures amidst a broader socioeconomic crisis characterized by poverty. None has bequeathed to nigeria an enduring legacy yet, of which succeeding generations can be proud. Educational policy in nigeria hauwa imam educational policy in nigeria from the colonial era to the postindependence period hauwa imam1 abstract.

The constitutional development in nigeria from 1914 till date can be divided into two generation. Rural development practice in nigeria has spanned over 10 decades from preindependence to the current decade. Colonialism is a major feature of the economic history of nigeria. The paper argues that nigeria for the most part of her postindependence existence had been under military rule. People do hide under the cover of national interest to project and protect their own individual or group interest. Nigerias planning experience began with the tenyear plan of development and welfare for nigeria which was introduced in 1946 by the colonial government 19451956 sequel to a circular from the secretary of state for colonies to. A series of unfortunate political and economic events have stalled nigerian growth.